
 “We are not born human in any but a biological sense; it is only by immersion in the “ocean of language and dialogue” fed by the springs of cultural tradition that we can learn to know ourselves and others and thus learn the ways of being human.” Zen Buddhist thought by Daisaku Ikeda

The very thought that gives birth to an artwork, I consider as a work of art. The painting is an attempt to translate this idea, however imperfect it may be, from the original. It swims in a pool of reactions and offshoots, rippling into the world and acquires a life of its own.
The work I have today arose out of the influence I felt from the strong lines in certain linocut like images that I happened to see. It also came up from a self-made journal of mine. I made it out of old newspapers stuck together and used strong lines to draw in my images using pens of all kinds. 

I placed each of these drawings side by side and felt a kind of dialogism, a kind of interface between my characters. A drama was unfolding right before my eyes. It created a silent interaction, a dynamics of “Dialogues”, a placing of images over images, color and lines over text that seemed to tell its own story.

The story of these eight people caught forever within the framework of my pages can be as you, dear reader perceive them. I leave them in your hands.
Like Pirandello in ‘Six Characters in search of an Author’ writes, “When the characters are really alive before their author, the latter does nothing but follow them in their action, in their words, in the situations which they suggest to him.” I make you the authors to interpret and read the dialogues of these eight people.

 Sunday Sketches Wishing all of you a great week ahead!



  1. What beautiful work you do. And you have such a beautiful way with language. I'm really loving your blog!

    Keep up the awesome work.

    -Visionary Bri

  2. Great powerful characters and thank you for the good read. Happy PPF, Annette x

    1. Netty, Thank you so much for taking time to visit me!

  3. I love your philosophy of a work of art being the thought and the product being an interpretation of it. Your abstract portraits are marvelous, and the way you displayed them as in a conversation is genius. Happy PPF!

  4. Dear Za Faran! I am really impressed by your work, both the way you act out your images but also your philosophical stand points! Thank you for this post and giving us the chance to be part of the story told.

    Kind regards

    1. I guess ultimately the story is interpreted in the way our subjective selves see it. So if you can see a set of dialogues going on between these characters, I am happy! :-)

  5. Your style is so unique...and fascinating! Happy PPF!

  6. Your drawings are so strong and powerful! I really love how each image conveys a strong feeling and impression without any need for written journaling. Thank you for sharing!!

  7. Forgive me Za but I have to disagree with your first comment. I believe we are born human and in the image of God. That is not to say that we do not have to develop and grow into all that we were meant to be.
    Happy weekend to you. Thank you so much for your lovely and appreciated comment. Glad I could be of help.

    1. I merely wanted to bring in the importance of dialogues that shape our mind and perceptions. I was not interested in any religious tones it might have. I am actually quite open to different viewpoints and have visited temples, synagogues, churches, mosque, buddhist temple and have tried to absorb the spirit of these places and the different 'dialogues' they evoke.
      Thank you for your visit.
      Happy weekend to you too!

  8. Very strong and interesting set of characters! <3

  9. Yes they do communicate with each other...trying to lift each other's spirit or just by being there ...showing they care :)

  10. I do get a sense of dialogue, beautiful work and project!

  11. your strong lined characters have a feel of power to them. I especially like the ones that have a face or two peeking from the background. Another thoughtful post.Happy PPF!

  12. Ooh yes, I love this. I can feel all those personalities vying for position and calling out to me!

    1. That is what I felt too! Thank you for your valued comment.

  13. These are really great and I love how you captured emotion, creating a unique character for each. What all did you use in your layering? These are great. :)

    1. Alexandra, So happy that you visited and happier that you liked my drawings!
      I just used two layers of old newspapers glued together, (no gesso because I do not have gesso)ink pens...art pens, technical pens, markers, ball point pens...anything that I had with me.
      The inspiration for this came from images that I saw in a movie, which was in black and white. The kind of strong lines that we find in linocut images. Now my desire is to do a linocut. :-)
      I do like the new style of yours!
      Thank you.

  14. I love your portraits - there is so much depth of feeling from the artist that the individual portraits each have a life of their own. Just wonderful work

  15. What amazing thoughts! To go along with beautiful art. T is said ancient and eastern traditions believed tbat drawing or creating something - IE a flower - made the created thing as alive as any other inthe organic world. This reminded me of that

    1. Very true...I agree. A life beyond the creators hands.
      Thank you, Alicia.

  16. Very dramatic art. They are all of different emotions and strengths. Great job! Patsy

  17. Wow! Your collage of characters is such a great idea! I see the drama right before my eyes too! Sometimes, when I am in trouble, I have also such a picture of such characters in mind. They usually discuss internally inside my mind and prevent every reasonable decision, because everybody wants me to do something different. I am really impressed how you put that state of mind into a picture.


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