Some pages from my art book.

Here are some pictures from my art book.
I have used any paint that I could get, and it's got more to be added, I feel.

Soul searching inspired by art can transform, I felt. 
And, its kind of looking back at the girl I was, aeons ago,  I now feel.
Not the best of pictures, I know. Its my first time with a smart phone! :)

sands of time

It was not the desolation or the loneliness of the desert that struck me,
 it was the beauty of sand patterns,
 the gentle rise and fall of the dunes...
the grit of  those blue-green, plants that bravely held on to the desert.

As an Arabian proverb says,
'All sunshine makes the desert.'


  1. I recently read a book. These pictures reflect the story,..:) too good,

    1. Thank you for the comment. Meant a lot to me. Came just when I was thinking the paintings are no good.


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