She's got a prayer on her lips...

Thankfulness is a state of recognizing and valuing bits, parts or entirety of life that keeps our emotions, beliefs and humor alive.

As yet another year flies inevitably by and, I see it softly closing its eyes, I know it is not death, just a sleep that promises new awakening when the first rays of gold interlaces into my waking dreams. 

When I cleared away the stuffy room of wary thoughts and embraced thankfulness, it brought on an unbelievable lightness of heart! 

I was thankful for the little pots of paint that wait patiently on my table until my brushes, charged with inspiration gives them new life on canvas.

I was glad for the shelves full of books to read, and also, for all the books that are already a part of me. 

My heart filled with appreciation for those in my life who keep me grounded, or send me whizzing, curious and wonder – eyed, into the land of imagination.

Happy about all the small big things in life, like hot cups of tea, fragrant blooms in my tiny garden, mushroom shaped clouds in the sky, the kite that glided onto the window sill to watch the lightning flash over the harbor.

I felt at peace as the lights from the distant ships neared the port. 



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